Friday, June 28, 2013

What Do You Need to Get from Point A to Point B

In an interview, I was asked, "Once you get the client to understand that they are losing money through lack of productivity, how do you address their problems?"  You may be thinking the same thing and wonder how it applies to your business.  You may think each scenario would be different, because each industry or business has their proprietary ways of doing things. 

Ironically there’s a common thread to the majority, if not all, work environments. There are generic checklists for general areas to address, no matter what industry or size. Very quickly, we are able to identify where there are missing links. We then refine the checklists to address their specifics.

I heard a story that I incorporate into my basic “getting organized” training. If you have a car sitting in the garage and it has three flat tires, a dead battery, and expired plates, chances are you’re not going to be using it. People often have stuff in their office, or even staff in their office, that are just taking space and not being fully utilized. They throw ideas at the employee to get them motivated, hoping they’ll be more productive, and they are surprised when it doesn't help. If you compare that scenario to the stranded car in the garage, it would be the equivalent of getting a new battery. Sure, the car will start and sound alive. The question is, how far will it go when the tires are still flat? And what other problems would you encounter with those expired plates? The key is to continually look at the big picture while working with a client. Understanding and assessing where they want to go and what resources they have to get there gives you a foundation to start. This holds true for all businesses and industries.

This blogpost is an excerpt from my book, Concrete Jungle, Survival Secrets for the Real World.  Co-authored by Bob Proctor.

Order it today at
(303) 881-0174
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