In a recent interview, I was asked about how I deal with clients who are super busy, bouncing all over the place multi-tasking. The question was asked, "How do you decide what will work for them? How do you help people get focused?"
My recommendation as a consultant of personal productivity is that I have to really quiet down the client and start to look at what is going on in their world. What is their vision? It’s up to them to set up the systems by defining how they want to communicate and have people reach them.
all need to take responsibility for how the world communicates to us, and we need to have the appropriate
tools so that we can synchronize incoming information. In that way, we can be
as efficient and productive as possible, maximizing all the benefits of these
technologies and not getting ourselves overwhelmed in the process. Every day,
there is something new that comes out—something bright and shiny. People don’t
want to get behind the eight ball, so they grab it. I just have to tell them to
pull in the reigns—tame them down a little bit and tame their technology.
also use the example in my webinars of using a day planner or a calendar. Some
people still carry around a planner because they like to see their calendar,
and it often makes sense. If however they also use an electronic calendar and
don’t synchronize the two systems, there will be havoc. And it can get even
worse if they have a family calendar on the refrigerator. You see where this is
going. The solution is to get one system and stick to it. Consolidate all the
information in one place—one container, so to speak. You’ll always know where
to go when you need to make an appointment.
the same with all the new devices out there. You need to stop and look at what
you need to stay on track and make sure that all your technology talks to each
other and can be accessible in one container. Document management systems are
all about keeping your information in one place and being able to collaborate with
others so they can find it. Too many businesses spend too much time resending
emails, redoing documents, or using outdated documents because they don’t have
synchronized systems. I took a huge turn in my business this past year
educating people on how to organize their electronic information. I’ve known
about it for years, having been an information system major in college. I’m
just happy that my clients are finally open to hearing about how to use
This interview is an except from my book, Concrete Jungle, Survival Secrets for the Real World. Co-authored by Bob Proctor. Available at
This interview is an except from my book, Concrete Jungle, Survival Secrets for the Real World. Co-authored by Bob Proctor. Available at
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