In an interview, I was asked how do I help people see the value in investing in personal
My response was that I learned to be very focused on what I am truly
passionate about and to concentrate on the outcome and the completion of what
it takes for individual personal productivity. Like my clients, I strive to not
get distracted by the shiny objects. Just as I coach my clients, I avoid the
peripheral “things,” the “maybe we should look at that too or look at this.” I focus
on the simplified methodology for the issues they are dealing with, and that is
really where I am the most successful.
have clients who ask me to do things that are off my radar screen and although
I may have a good experience, professional or personal, it’s really not in the
mainstream of my core competencies. In those instances, I’ve learned that I
have to say no and work with my wonderful network of colleagues from mastermind
groups, The National Speaker’s Association, and other associations. I find
other professionals and recommend my clients to those individuals and let it
go. That’s where I feel I can be most of service, and I really learn from that.
It doesn’t have to be all about me; it’s really all about the client.
People sometimes feel ashamed of where they are, and they
are embarrassed to say that they need help. Oftentimes, they think they should
have figured it out by now. At other times, they believe that someone in their
organization, who already shares in their pain and knows the challenges, will
be able to fix things. They consider using someone from the inside rather than
bringing in an outsider. The issue with using insiders is that they may be
enmeshed in the problem themselves and lack a sense of objectivity. Having an
outsider, such as me, come in and take a look offers the organization that
objective, non-judgmental, bird’s eye view. I am there to assess and analyze
the problem, identify the root causes, and offer solutions that, once
implemented, will result in consistent, positive, and efficient outcomes.
always like to remind people that they're in business because they wanted to do
something they care deeply about. Maybe they run an international nonprofit
organization or want to be a physician heading up a healthcare company. That’s what
their passion is, and my passion has always been analyzing methodologies to
help people be more efficient. I’ve worked with so many different people
through different industries—entrepreneurial to large organizations—that I can
make more expedient decisions and not just set up little packages of quick
fixes or band aid containers for how things should look. I can really give them
systems that are repeatable and transferable to other people. Once those
systems are in place, they will be there for the long haul. Their investment in
me and my services is really a significant and worthwhile value to them and their